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Terrible Treats: 3 Foods Infamous for Getting Stuck Between Teeth

July 2, 2024

Filed under: general dentistry — drwest @ 6:27 pm
Striped bucket of popcorn spilling onto red background

Imagine enjoying a bite of something delicious only to realize a piece of it has jammed itself between your teeth—yikes! Although almost everyone has seemingly experienced the sensation of having food stuck in their pearly whites, that doesn’t make it any less inconvenient. Not only can it be incredibly frustrating, but many patients also damage their teeth and gums trying to dislodge foreign objects from their smiles. You could end up chipping a tooth or lacerating your gums, which require additional treatments to address.

Continue reading to learn about 3 common culprits that are known to cause problems so that you can avoid having food caught in your grin!
